VSO ANNUAL MEETING May 2-3, 2025 | Westin Arlington Gateway
The Society was chartered in 1920. It provides a collegial atmosphere in which to address important practice issues and obtain continuing medical education.
Over the years, the Virginia Society of Otolaryngology has dealt with a variety of political and regulatory challenges having profound implications. In order to effectively meet these and future challenges, a strong and unified voice that represents all of the state's otolaryngologists is required. When we pursue Otolaryngologist's interests in the halls of the General Assembly during the legislative sessions, we need our member's active support!
The Society holds an annual meeting each spring. This is an excellent way to network with your colleagues across the Commonwealth and earn CME credits.
Your active participation is needed! If you are not already a member, please give serious consideration to joining the Society.
The Board of Governors (BOG) Model Society Award recognizes outstanding local/state/regional societies that exhibit effective leadership, institute Academy and Foundation programs, and further Academy goals through active participation in the BOG.